I published this post on my Genealogy blog but thought it was fitting for Cindy's Place so I could share it with my crafting friends. So I'm not a scrapbooker... not in the cutsie die-cut adding scrapbooking way. But, I really wanted to make a book for my Mom about her family so I sat down with everything I knew that was interesting and pulled out all the documents I had, photos, stories and such and I got to work.
I was not planning on making a book of everything I knew about her whole family, but rather her Father and his immediate family, so I started with his parents.
The first page was an introduction and their marriage certificate, that's where the story began. I then gave information about their travel to the US, how the family was seperated for a few years and how one of her uncles was left in England.
After a page for each of her grandparents, I then created as many pages as needed for each of their sons, obviously her father I had a lot of information for and he ended up with 6 pages.
I created the book for my Mom back in 2008 and have just completed one for her brother (shhh, don't tell - it's a surprise) and will send it to him soon. I just wanted to share a few of the pages here.
2 weeks ago