Okay, I sounded like eyeore in those last two posts - such a whiner!!!
Blogger's Note: they were so bad that I removed them!
Much better mood today and I'm done with the whining. Although no one is reading this blog, it does my mind good to write so I'll do it. I started this blog without any expectations, and I eventually wanted to share some of my art, genealogy and family history scrapbook on here but the journaling aspect really attracted me - sometimes I need to vent!
So, I mananged to keep the kitchen clean today (yay!) AND I even cleaned out a cabinet! Only 20 more to go but that's okay - one done is better than none done. All other projects were untouched due to the 5 loads of laundry that needed to be done.
I finally finished my 12 Days of Christmas ATCs, they need backs and labels and then they'll be on their way to JJ. Here's the card representing the 5th day of Christmas and below are a couple others that I completed recently. I'm not exactly what I would call "comfortable" with my art at this point but feel that I'm growing in it and really enjoy it... sometimes you gotta dance like no one is watching :-)
On my genealogy side, I've been anxiously awaiting word from the National Archives about the day that my Grandfather was wounded in WWII. He was an aerial gunner with the 94th Bomb Group stationed in Bury St. Edmund England.
My buddy Chris, who I've been communicating with since February about military history of the 94th Bomb Group (USAF) has fallen off my radar screen. I believe he's moving and he lives in England so I can't track him down right now.. Chris, if you're out there, I've got the documents from the Archives and I need some assistance please!!!!
2 weeks ago